Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I miss the long nights of fellowship
The eager early morning greetings

It seems as though I've let time slip away from us...
Have let the demands of others put a wedge between us.

And the gifts you gave me...
I haven't had the time to savor...
to nurture and produce more.

My heart longs to be filled with sweet music...that it may clear
my cluttered mind.
And intertwined in notes my be the love shared between
you and I.

Like the sweet fragrance of lavender oil
poured out of Mary's box...

I pour out my heart...
Saying I Love You...
Praying never to be apart.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What was he doing in the field?

He went out to the field one evening to meditate and as he looked up he saw camels approaching. Genesis 24:63 NIV

לָשׂוּחַ-lasuah basadheh, is the Hebrew word used in this passage in place of meditate. There are several schools of thought among the Jewish scholars as to what lasuah means. Some say it refers to prayer, a pouring out o f the heart as it is referred to in Psalms 102:1. Others say that the root suah in this instance means to 'speak'. Yet others take a more literal approach and suggest this word's reference is to things that grow from the ground, like grass and trees.

So what was Issac doing out in the field? Was he praying or just simply on a nature hike?

There have been many a times where I have enjoyed going out to nature to clear my mind and have found myself in prayer and meditative reflection. It is during those times where God has revealed so much about His character. As I admire the intricacy in which he created the colorful birds, delicate petals, and majestic mountains, I ponder the question, if He's mindful of these is He not the more mindful of me? His child created after His own image? And if He provides rain for the dry land and sunshine for the flower's bloom, will He not provide my every need? Then all of a sudden I'm aware of His presence as I continue to commune with Him amongst His creation!

I believe Isaac, as our first parents Adam and Eve, was doing both out in the field. He was in meditative prayer, speaking to God amongst the grass and trees. It is important to note where Isaac was at this point of his life. He was dealing with the loss of his mother and Abraham had sent his servant in search of a wife for him. So there Isaac was, with all sorts of thoughts going through his head, probably asking God for a special companion he could share his thoughts, ideas, and plans with. Someone he could debrief with, laugh with, and grieve with....Someone who would support, encourage and inspire him and he and turn do the same! And as he looks up...could it be the answer to his prayer? As the story in the bible continues, we see that indeed it's God's answer to his prayer...he meets Rebekah who becomes his beautiful life companion.

So I pose the question, is it possible for a word to mean several things at the same time? He went out to field one evening to "nature"....lets say for the sake of an example the word "nature" in this particular instance means meditative prayer amongst nature. Then we would clearly see exactly what Isaac was doing out in the field. Is it possible lasuah was conveying all three meanings at once...speaking/praying amongst the grass and trees?!

Whether you think this particular concept might be a little far fetched or not, the point is prayerful meditation with God is one of the most powerful things one can do. This particular verse about meditation jumped out at me because it was therapeutic during my depressive state and going out in nature to clear my head and speak to God is probably one of my most favorite things to do. Oh how He's answered prayer just like he did Isaac's!! If you've never had the opportunity I suggest you try going out one day and experiencing meditating on God on a nature hike! =)